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Chinese translation for "be offhand with sb"


Related Translations:
offhand:  adj.1.临时的,即席的,无准备的;随便的。2.唐突的,简慢的。3.自动的,无人管理的。4.(射击)无依托立射的。短语和例子an offhand manner 随随便便。 offhand remarks 随便说出的话。 act in an offhand way 举止不检点。 be offhand with sb. 对人简慢。adv.1.立即;即席。2.随便;唐突。短语和
offhand shooting:  无依托立射
offhand position:  无依托立射姿势
offhand grinding:  手持工件磨光
give a talk offhand:  即席发言
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